AOS 3.5 short review
von Ulf Schleth

AOS 3.5 short review – Foto: Ulf Schleth
One and a half year ago, i built an AOS 3.5 after I have seen Chris Rosser talking about it. I don’t know exactly, why. Partly because I wanted to build a frame sub 250 grams, because I thought, I could fly in more locations with it. Now, some builds and some experiences later, i am writing this very short review about my experiences. Here they are:
- I ordered at – their supplier didn’t send them the correct screws, so they sent me some with 2 different drives. Some with 1.5mm and some with 1.3mm. So I had to get a new Wera 1.3mm hex screwdriver. Despite of the high shipping fee from Canada to Europe, I had preferred if they had asked me if I want to wait for the correct ones.
- The aluminium standoffs are very sensible. I should have ordered some spare standoffs.
- The JHEMCU All-In-One FC is pretty okay, but I had to mount it in an angle of 45° so that its USB port is hard to reach. You have to remove one of the standoffs first if you want to put seomething into it.. Do not try to push in the USB cable by force! It will rip the USB port off the FC sooner or later!
- The frame is not very durable. Luckily, I ordered a spare arm and were able to repair a split carbon end with some graphite (youtube link).
- I can’t say anything about vibrations. I didn’t run any blackbox logging. I „feel“ as less vibrations as I feel on my non-AOS frames. In my GoPro 7-footage I can’t see more vibrations/yello than on any non-AOS-frame.
- It is not easy to do a sub 250g build with this frame. With some 650 mAh batteries, it will work, with 850 mAh ones, it’ll not.
- My build doesn’t fly very well with a full-size GoPro 7 on top.
- Some TPU – feet for the 1507 motor screws are hard to find. I tried these for the squirt and they are matching.
This frame is neither fish nor fowl. If you need a little bando-basher, get another frame. If you need a sub 250g drone, get another frame. If you have advanced skills and don’t crash very often, if you fly some mild freestyle with it, with no or maybe a light action camera on it, it flies nice, but I wouldn’t say nicer than other frames.
KM|fpv schrieb am 11 Juli 2023 um 9:56 am ¶
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